
Jenny Gallop

2020 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge
2011 – present: Group Leader, Gurdon Institute
2011 – 2020: Affiliated member, Department of Biochemistry
2006 – 2011: Postdoc and EMBO fellow in laboratory of Marc Kirschner, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
2001 – 2006: PhD and short postdoc in Harvey McMahon’s lab, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
1997 – 2001: Masters degree in Biochemistry, Trinity College, University of Oxford, UK

Research area: actin polymerisation, membranes, filopodia formation, cell shape, cell movement, signalling to actin, the membrane-cytosol interface

Julia Mason

Position: Lab Manager since the lab started in 2011
Previous positions: At the Gurdon Institute for many years supporting the research of a number of labs

Research area: Molecular biology, cell culture and Xenopus in vivo studies

Jonathan Gadsby

Position: Wellcome Trust Research Associate, joined the lab in January 2015.
Previous positions: BSc Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Durham University; MRes Newcastle University; PhD and short postdoc in Mette Mogensen’s lab at UEA, Norwich, studying microtubule +TIPs in epithelial differentiation and cancer

Research area: Examining how actin polymerisation is responsive to phosphoinositides and membrane curvature.

Thomas Blake

Position: Wellcome Trust Research Associate, joined the lab in January 2021
Previous positions: BA Natural Sciences and MSci Biochemistry, University of Cambridge; MRes and PhD Imperial College, London, and short postdoc in Jake Baum’s lab studying myosin motors in malaria parasites

Research area: Superresolution and rapid timelapse microscopy in studying filopodial initiation and extension

Pankti Vaishnav

Position: Wellcome Trust PhD student and Research Assistant, joined the lab in July 2020
Previous positions: BSc in Biochemistry, University of Birmingham and MRes in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Imperial College, London

Research area: Molecular mechanisms of SNX9-mediated actin polymerisation

Mary-Pia Jeyarajasingham

Position: Gurdon Institute / AstraZeneca PhD Student, joined the lab in September 2022

Previous positions: MSci in Biomedical Sciences, St George’s University of London (2022) with an industrial placement year at GlaxoSmithKline (2019-2020)

Research area: Using novel antibody reagents to probe antigenic function in actin and filopodia

Wellcome Trust
Funded by Wellcome
Lowe Syndrome Association
AstraZeneca UK | Biopharmaceutical company